Saturday, June 11, 2011

Anemia and HIV/AIDS

Anemia is defined as a health condition in which our body do not have enough red blood cells or less than the normal quantity of hemoglobin in the blood to carry the function of delivery oxygen and nutrient to the tissue, including organs and cells. To read more about Anemia, click here
Immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS is caused by Human immunodeficiency virus HIV, a lentivirus. It is defined as a health condition in which in which severe failure of the immune system in protecting our body from infection and irregular cell growth, leading to life-threatening infections and cancers.

Anemia is a very common with people with HIV positive and the rate increases as the progression of the disease progression. Study found that approximately 30% of HIV positive people have anemia and 90% will have anemia at some point during their life time.

Anemia and HIV infection
1. HIV infection reduces the production of erthroprotein in stimaulating the production of red blood cells.
2. HIV infection affects the bone marrow function in production of red blood cells
3. Medicine use to treat HIV-infection may reduce the bone marrow function in red blood cells production.
4. HIV infection patient may be at risk of lymphoma, a cancer which may spread to the bone marrow.
5. Infection
Infection may suppress the bone marrow in production of red blood cells.
6. Nutrients
HIV infection prevent the digestive system in absorbing folate, vitamin B12 and iron, causing anemia.
7. Etc.

Research found that increasing levels of hemoglobin has a direct affect in the increasing survival of a person with HIV infection.

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